Aside from what you should do for your hardwood floor, here are ten things you should avoid doing to your floor.
Do not use abrasives or harsh chemicals to clean your hardwood floor. We do not recommend the use of vinegar, dish washing detergent, powdered all-purpose cleaner, Endust, Pledge, oil soap, or any type of wax or silicone base products on your floor.
Do not use hard casters on any furniture directly on your hardwood floor. Casters can cause isolated wear areas on your floor and increase the frequency of recoat and refinish projects.
Do not use steam mops on your hardwood floor. The use of water in all its forms, including steam, on wood floor should be limited to the degree possible. The high heat from some steam mops can also serve to thermally break down your floor’s protective layer over time.

Do not pour cleaning product directly on your hardwood floor. It may be tempting to create a puddle of cleaner and spread it out over your floor but this approach can have the same effect as using too much water when cleaning. Cleaning products that are applied too liberally in spots can absorb into wood, cause swelling and an uneven look over time.
Do not wait too long between refinish projects. Any hardwood floor finish will eventually show wear patterns and surface scratches. When you begin to see dull traffic areas, it is time to consider re-coating your floors. Re-coating is a one day process, and cost much less than sanding/refinishing. You should plan on re-coating hardwood floors every 3 to 5 years depending on traffic patterns and wear. Do not wait until you wear through the finish to the bare wood or sanding may be required.
Do not wear high heel shoes on hardwood floors. High heel shoes can cause denting in hardwood. It is wise to leave high heels at the door and make sure that they are always in good shape. Damaged high heels can quickly become a chisel on your wood floor.
Do not leave the legs of your furniture unprotected. Protective pads should be added under the legs of every piece of furniture that comes in contact with your hardwood floor. The weight of furniture left unprotected can damage the finish and the wood over time.
Do not drag furniture or heavy appliances over your hardwood floors. Heavy furniture should be lifted carefully off of the floor and placed back on the floor once in their new position. Felt pads, furniture straps, and additional assistance are all good ideas when moving heavy objects over wood floors.
Do not let your dog’s nails remain untrimmed. The sound of a dog nails as they skitter across a wood floor is not just annoying, but those nails will ruin your finish and eventually ruin your hardwood floors is they remain untrimmed. Both you and your pet will be happier if you trim their nails when required.
Do not allow pet stains remain untreated. If Fido or Kitty have an accident on your hardwood floor, be sure and address the issue immediately. The longer urine sits on a hardwood floor, the worse it is for the floor. If the accident happens on an area rug or throw rug, make sure to clean and dry both the rug and the wood floor underneath the accident.
For more info about maintaining, sanding or refinishing your HARDWOOD floor contact Advantage Flooring Calgary at 403 995 9779..